Saturday, 5 September 2009

Our Social Climate is Changing

The earth is changing; the issues are global, national, local and individual.

Change happens when there is desire to do so. I believe the desire to change comes from experience which empowers the individual to take action. Forthcoming articles will look at our willingness to change.

Whilst acknowledging the concerns at hand, articles will be written with the attitude of positivity and possibility. They will challenge expectations of what ‘nature’ is and where it can be found.

My aim with this series of work is to bring awareness to environmental issues and climate change by deepening personal experience of the land itself. Thus bringing an understanding of a changing earth that is inclusive and immediate, rather than distant and hard to grasp.

‘It was creative thinking that saw the first wheel within the stone’

Art is an important tool in the effort to change the environment. Creative thinking can find solutions, seek answers and make something from nothing. Creativity is a link to our human nature that can adapt and survive in any changing environment. This programme will help individuals acknowledge their own creative ability, even if they believe they don’t have one, to create and change the world around them for the better.


  1. you're right
    but everything is changing !

  2. WOW- It is stunning to see the power of your writing outside the realms of poetry. THis is a terrific little gem. That does it! You have to come to Assisi and help to launch an International Insitute of Art & Consciousness.
